Tiger sharks are distinguished from other requiem sharks by a number of distinguishing characteristics. It has a broad, flat cranium with a shorter snout than mouth width, long labial furrows, and a slender body. Its teeth have curved cusps with serrated edges and a deep groove along the outer margin. The caudal fin is long and pointed with reinforcing ridges. Tiger cubs measuring between 150 and 180 cm in length have a distinct variegated pattern on their dorsal surface. Patterns or bars resembling tiger stripes that appear on adult specimens result from the fusion of individual spots. As the shark matures, these bars tend to fade, but they remain visible on the flanks and caudal region. The colour can range from bluish or greenish gray to black at the top, and from light grey to dingy yellow or white at the bottom.
Mr. Abdulla Zafar Ali pioneered in discovering the first sight of a Tiger shark in Fuvahmulah. Our Dive instructor is a native and a PADI-certified scuba instructor. He is not only a mere dive instructor, but one of the few divers who always think about the progress of this industry in Fuvahmulah.
Why are Tiger Sharks there? Because of the geographic location and the topography, Fuvahmulah is home to a great variety of shark and pelagic species. The island towers up from the deep ocean much like a vertical cliff, consequently attracting a huge diversity of sharks and other pelagic life that utilise the surrounding reef for cleaning, feeding, and mating. This makes diving great all year round, making each dive exciting and adventurous.
There is always potential to observe sharks and maybe even some rare species.
The most frequently observed species include Tiger Sharks, Thresher sharks, Hammerheads, Whale sharks, Grey reefs, Silvertip, and White tip reef sharks, along with a myriad of pelagic fish and countless colourful reef fish throughout the rich coral reefs.
Fuvahmulah in the Maldives guarantees close encounters with tiger sharks throughout the entire year. However, there have been rare sightings of tiger sharks in some Maldives atolls.
The tiger sharks are highly migratory and can travel long distances in search of food. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world, often near coastlines islands, and coral reefs.
Tiger sharks typically inhabit tropical and mild temperate waters. It inhabits both deep oceanic waters (up to 140 m) and coastal waters. Diverse prey species may converge to feed in turbid coastal areas with freshwater runoff, where they seem to prefer to inhabit. They have been observed in Fuvahmulah all year around.
Typically, specimens between 300 and 425 centimeters and 380 to 640 kg are found, and it is believed that the largest specimens exceed 5.5 meters in length and weight. Lifespan is estimated to be about 50 years.
Tiger sharks are indiscriminate feeders and voracious predators. It has been observed consuming a vast array of marine prey as well as terrestrial animals. Crabs, shellfish, lobsters, calamari, bony fish, small sharks, skates, rays, porpoises, turtles, marine birds, and marine mammals are common prey. A significant number of inorganic artefacts and human waste have also been discovered in the stomachs of tiger sharks. The tiger shark is considered the most adaptable species due to its diverse diet.
Female tiger sharks give birth to live young, known as pups, after a gestation period of around 14-16 months. A litter can include anywhere from 10 to 80 pups, making tiger sharks one of the most prolific large shark species
Tiger sharks are curious creatures which like to observe their surroundings, and can come quite up close to scuba divers. We should always show them the utmost respect as we go into their environment, and it should all be safe and sound. The Maldives has not recorded any shark attacks.
Tiger sharks are considered crucial to the marine ecosystem as they sit near the top of the food chain. Tiger sharks mainly contribute to the ocean by preying on injured or sick species and preventing diseases from spreading to other creatures.
The Tiger Shark is a common large shark found worldwide in temperate waters. Maldives and Bahamas are considered one of the top locations for tiger shark diving, and Fuvahmulah is known for other pelagic species too.
In Fuvahmulah, Extreme Dive Fuvahmulah has a fully equipped dive facility in Fuvahmulah with a very experienced dive team. You are sure to have a splendid time exploring various forms of pelagic life.